Launch Your Light

How Slowing the Flow of Soul Purpose is actually holding everyone back!

Jayme Rose Gray Season 1 Episode 25

In this episode Jayme discusses a few different excuses shes hears often in Soul Purpose, that lead to people pushing back getting their work out to the world. 

1.) The "I'll just wait till I can quit my job and give it more time and energy" excuse. Jayme discusses how that is a huge block in purpose, but also how it keeps you from learning how to govern yourself with the free time you do have, etc. 

2.) The "I'll just wait for things to calm down out there" excuse. Jayme explains how this is actually holding everyone back. Your offer, creation or product is an answer to someones prayers - and the longer we hold it back, the longer we hold everyone up. 

There's so much great advice in this episode, so hit play and enjoy:) 

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